Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shore Thing 2010

The annual St. Anne Alumni Shore Thing is scheduled for this Saturday, August 21 from 2-6 PM at Lighthouse Pointe in Wildwood, NJ. Tickets are $30 each or $45 with transportation from St. Anne Church included. There are a limited number of seats on the bus.

Tickets will be available at the door.

Contact Bernadette Dugan Carter to purchase tickets or for more information at 215-815-4745 or email her at

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The $10 Lottery Returns!

The $10 lottery is back! Tickets will be valid October 1st through December 31st, with $1,000 prizes on Halloween and Thanksgiving and a $2,000 prize on Christmas! This is one of the Alumni Association's biggest fundraisers, so we need sellers! Anyone interested in selling tickets please contact Maryann @ 215-634-3845 or

Publicize Your Business @ Shore Thing 2010

This year at the 2010 Shore Thing, ALL attendees will receive an Ad Book, featuring local businesses. Any person or business interested in placing an ad in this book should contact Michelle @ or

This is a great way to publicize your business to the approximately 500+ St. Anne Alumni and friends who attend the Shore Thing!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Block Party

Join the St. Anne Alumni, families, and friends on Tucker Street (between Cedar & Memphis Sts.) for the 2010 Summer Block Party, featuring kids' games, a moonbounce, a dunk tank, chance wheels, slot machines, music, food, drinks & much more!

Friday, July 23rd 6 PM-10 PM

Saturday, July 24th 3 PM-10 PM

For those ages 21+, horse races, slot machines, table games, a money wheel, liquor wheel, and bar will be featured in the Social Hall.

Anyone interested in purchasing a horse for $10 for the night at the races, please contact Eileen @ 215-423-4040 or Michelle @ 267-236-4069 or

Thursday, May 6, 2010

St. Anne School WILL Open for 2010-11 School Year!

Thank you to all of the parents, students, alumni and friends who have supported the effort to keep our school open. Your continued support is necessary to ensure that the students in the area have the opportunity to receive the solid Catholic education they deserve.

Here are some ways you can help:
  1. Make sure your sons, daughters, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and neighbors are registered for the 2010-11 school year. The Alumni Association will continue to cover the registration fee.
  2. Spread the word about the great things St. Anne School has to offer.
  3. Support the alumni's fundraising efforts by joining the alumni association as soon as possible. You can download the membership form here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Latest News

Please take the time to read the letters below which were distributed to parents and alumni. The letters detail the latest information on the future of St. Anne School and the Alumni Association's plan to continue working to save our school.

Letter to Parents

Letter to Alumni -

Friday, February 26, 2010

Alumni Day @ Shampoo Bar: A Huge Success!

Thank you to all the alumni and friends who participated in Alumni Day @ Shampoo Bar on Sunday, February 21st.

Over $500 was raised for the St. Anne Education Fund!

The Alumni Association also thanks the owners and staff of the Shampoo Bar for donating the salon and their time for this wonderful event!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Night at the Races

And they're off....

Help us continue to support of St. Anne School by attending our annual Night at the Races on Saturday, February 27th. at St. Anne Social Hall. The festivities begin at 6PM and the first race is at 7PM. The $10 admission includes roast beef sandwiches, hot dogs, salads, soda, and draft beer. Horses are $10 and winners pay $50.

All Class Reunion Scheduled for March 6, 2010

All graduates of St. Anne School and their families are invited to an All Class Reunion sponsored by the Alumni Association. The reunion is scheduled for Saturday, March 6, 2010 7PM-11PM at the Polonia Hall, located at 4431 Belgrade Street. Tickets are $40 and include buffet dinner, open bar, dancing and fun!

Tickets are limited so get one now!

For tickets or more info call or e-mail Bernadette Dugan Carter.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Catholic Schools Week Events

This weekend St. Anne School will be kicking off Catholic Schools Week! All current, prospective, and former students & their families are invited to join in the festivities this Sunday, January 31st following the 10:30 AM Mass.

Pancake Breakfast
Location: Social Hall
Cost: $5 per person

Open House & Book Fair
Location: (Old) School

Please stop by to see all that St. Anne School has to offer!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Save $125 by Registering Students Now

For the 2nd year, the Alumni Association is pleased to announce that it will be paying the $125 registration fee for ALL STUDENTS who register by the April 15th deadline. Please encourage family, friends and neighbors with school-aged children to take advantage of this opportunity by registering for the 2010-11 school year today!

Do your part to keep the school open: register your children beginning February 1st!

Thank you to all of the alumni and friends for supporting our great school!